2022 YINGHAO Celebration Reception

2022 YINGHAO Celebration Reception

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We celebrated Yinghao Solar's annual meeting on December 30, 2022, with excitement. Our founder, Steven Zhuo, gave an amazing opening speech that set the tone for the night and year.  Steven thanked the Yinghao all employees. He said that every breakthrough, and success was due to the hard work of each employee. Despite the coronavirus outbreak, we emerged stronger, and more committed to our aim, owing much to our steadfast customers' trust in us. We're more ready and thrilled than ever to light the world with Yinghao's solar lights.

Yinghao 2022 meeting for a group photo
The annual meeting begins, as laughter echoed and glasses clinked, each of us felt sense of happy for the efforts we achieved this year. We raised a toast for the past of the year's efforts and future. Yinghao's supportive and inclusive culture has been the foundation of these team vibe. All the gains of this year is a good lesson of how important teamwork and cooperation are to getting things done well.
2022 began under the shadow of a global pandemic, but at Yinghao, we were resolute in our commitment to our customers. We had was making sure products were delivered on time despite all the problems. But we didn't take this as an insurmountable obstacle; rather, we saw it as an opportunity to innovate.

We built up real-time order tracking system so that our clients could see where their orders status at all times. Additionally, we strengthened our logistics partnerships. Ensuring more reliable transportation routes and delivery schedules even under these challenging circumstances.

To deal with the surge in customer inquiries. our team often adjusted for time differences, working to provide prompt and clear communication. We also focused on community support, making humble contributions using our solar lights where needed the most. As we look back, 2022 stands as a year where we learned to adapt and evolve, fulfilling our commitment to serve and support in the face of adversity.

As we look ahead, we envision a future illuminated by the sustainable light of Yinghao solar products. We want to do more than make innovative solar lighting options. We're on a mission to get green products into the homes of thousands of people. To reach this mission, we'll have to work more hard at customer service and product development. These are tasks we're eager to meet head-on. We understand that our journey is beginning. We're determined to see solar illumination through to its full potential. Striving for a greener, brighter future for earth.

Types of solar panels - thin film, monocrystalline, polycrystalline